Search Results
Ruma Banerjee: ASBMB-Merck Award
The David Green Lecture in Enzyme Chemistry: Ruma Banerjee
ASBMB 2020 Presentation R443
Lynne Maquat: 2018 FASEB Excellence in Science Award winner
Malik Tunc Research Presentation- Vitamin B3 and C supplementation on cancer cells- ASBMB accredited
Rang Bhare Cover By Ruma Banerjee & Chandrashekhar G
LRD seminar series, June 26th, 2020: Structure in triacylglycerol synthesis
'Nirvoya' by Kalpana Biswas in voice of Ruma Banerjee
ASBMB Live Presents...A spoonful of sugar: Turning fundamental research into cures
Susan Emeigh Hart VMD PhD, "A primer of collagen biology..." 2010 Miami Dupuytren Symposium
ক্যান্সারের কারন ও প্রতিকার dr.sunirmal sarkar part 2